“My passion is studying the correlation between architecture and building physics performance. And how my studies will do good for humans, ecosystems, and the earth.”
Herwin Gunawan
WELL Building Certification and LEED Green Building Certification Consultant
Architectural Acoustics, Noise and Vibration Control, PsychoAcoustic Consultant
Lighting and Daylighting Design Consultant
Building Thermal, Daylighting, Natural Ventilation, HVAC, Energy Modeling Consultant
Audio-Visual Information Communication Technology Consultant
Master Degree, Building Physics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Bachelor Degree, Mechanical Engineering, Trisakti University, Indonesia
Professional Credential
WELL Accredited Professional - International Well Building Institute, US
LEED Green Associate - U.S. Green Building Council, US
Green Building Associate – Green Globe Certification, California, US
Expert for Lighting Design – DIAL, Ludenscheid, Germany
Acoustics Technology for Industry and Professionals – AAVI, Bandung, Indonesia
Rekayasa Pencahayaan – HTII, Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesia High-Performance Façade Design Using EnergyPlus Simulation – ADHMORA, Bandung, Indonesia
Daylight and Lighting Design for High-Performance Building using RADIANCE – ADHMORA, Bandung, Indonesia
Desain Sound System Dengan Empasis Memahami Interaksi Loudspeaker Dan Ruangan, Mendesain Untuk Intelligibility Tinggi Dan Memahami Parameter-parameter Akustik - Spektra Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Professional Organization
International Well Building Institute (IWBI)
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
Green Globe (GG)
Acoustic Society of America (ASA)
Audio Engineering Society (AES)
Illumination Engineering Society (IES)
Himpunan Teknik Iluminasi Indonesia (HTII)
Asosiasi Akustik Dan Vibrasi Indonesia (AAVI)
Asosiasi Penggiat Audio Visual Musik Indonesia (APAVMI)
Research and Publication
Gunawan, H., Aditanoyo, T. (2017). Objective Room Modes Evaluation Rating Method Development to Optimize Small Room Acoustic Design. Regional Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (RECAV) 2017.
Gunawan, H., Putra, I.B.A., Sarwono, J. (2017). Transmission Loss Improvement of Sound Insulation Panel with Viscoelastic Material in Periodic Configuration. Regional Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (RECAV) 2017.
Volunteer Activity
Advisory: Sound Concept Advisory and Health Equity Advisory to International Well Building Institute (IWBI).
Fund Raising: Resital Musik Klasik DIPI 2021, Canisian Give Back 2021, Resital Musik Klasik DIPI 2022.
Writing and Vlog: Building Physics Studies and Thought, Concert Hall Review, Architecture Blog.
Faculty: WELL Building Faculty, University Guest Lecturer and Seminar, Professional Association Seminar.

Informal Community
Indonesia High-End Audio Club (IHEAC), Rumah Audio Indonesia (RAI),
Caniband Alumni, CaniBuild, CaniAuvi