Pencemaran Botol Air Minum Mineral yang terbuat dari Poly Ethylene Terephthalate (PET)



Salah satu penelitian menemukan fakta bahwa tingkat pencemaran "Antimonia" pada 48 merek botol air minum mineral dari 11 negara Eropa yang tersimpan lebih dari 6 bulan meningkat 90%. Pencemaran Antomonia terjadi karena terjadi reaksi kimia antara Air Mineral dengan Poly Ethylene Terephthalate (PET), bahan dasar pembuat botol air minum.

ALTA Integra

memberikan layanan sertifikasi bangunan sehat International WELL Building Institute - IWBI karena kami percaya tempat kita tinggal dan bekerja menentukan kualitas tubuh dan pikiran kita. Arsitektural Fisika Bangunan seperti suara yang kita dengar, pemandangan yang kita lihat, kualitas air dan udara yang kita hirup memilki peranan yang penting dalam membangun ketahanan kesehatan manusia di masa mendatang. Kami mengajak Anda bergabung dalam gerakan ini.

In one study, the level of antimony in 48 brands of bottled water from 11 European countries increased by 90% after 6 months of storage due to antimony leaching from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, which are designated as recyclable.

ALTA Integra provides WELL Building Certification because we believe our body and mind quality is shaped by the space we live and work. Architectural Building Physics such as Acoustic, Lighting, Water, and Air Quality play important role in making a better space for human-being.

Let's join our mission to share this belief and passion to make our world a better place to live in.

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Herwin Gunawan Architecture Building Physics Science

Architectural Building Physics Science: Acoustic Lighting Thermal Energy Air Quality Engineering Design Consultant - Green and Health Built Environment

Brightness Management Strategies of IWBI Visual Lighting Design


Access to safe drinking water