Why does a city need city-wide air quality and noise planning?

Illustration Image Jakarta International Stadium under construction 2020

Illustration Image Jakarta International Stadium under construction 2020


ALTA Integra provides strategic city noise and air quality planning, modeling, simulation, mapping, and monitoring including environmental noise, road traffic noise, railway noise, and aircraft noise using state-of-the-art outdoor noise and air quality prediction software CADNA-A.

ALTA Integra believes our body and mind are shaped by the space we live and work. Architectural Building Physics such as Acoustic, Lighting, Thermal, and Air Quality play important role in making a better space for human-being.

Let's join our mission to share this belief and passion to make our world a better place to live in.

#buildingphysic #noise #cityplanning #urban #architecture #jakarta #indonesia #IndonesiaMaju #interior #wellness #wellbeing #humandesign #betterworld #airquality #sustainability

Herwin Gunawan Architecture Building Physics Science

Architectural Building Physics Science: Acoustic Lighting Thermal Energy Air Quality Engineering Design Consultant - Green and Health Built Environment


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Mancave - integrating acoustic lighting interior audiovisual design knowledge