Energy in the Cities - Global Warming - Climate Change - Birds Migration

Due to global warming, bird migrate two days earlier each decade

Similar to light pollution, a study suggests that rising temperatures are causing birds to migrate a little earlier each spring. Due to global warming that the journey home is shifting forward by a little less than two days each decade. That doesn’t sound like much. But if we calculate over 5 decade multiply by hundreds of migrating species all over the country. In other words, climate change is causing a noticeable, gradual, shift in one of nature’s grandest natural phenomena.

Due to global warming food availability is mismatch

Due to global warming food availability is mismatch

An earlier bird migration due to global warming does not synch with the growth of new plants or the availability of food. Global Warming, Climate change might be affecting the timing of spring vegetation blooms or the abundance of insects and other food sources—factors that can strongly affect the survival of migrating birds. Besides food availability, global warming is like to impact bird migration such as increased storm frequency, lowered water tables, higher drought frequency, sea-level rise, and habitat shifts. 

Generally speaking, short and middle-distance migrating birds can adapt to climate changes more easily, whereas long-distance migrants are at a disadvantage. Their migration rhythm is usually more fixed and they struggle with readjustment to changing temperatures. Because of this rigidness, they suffer more from the impacts of climate change than other birds.

What should we do?

Climate change is in progress, and it is clear that it is affecting our environment, by adding to the disarrangement of ecological balances. It is not only in the interest of migratory birds but also in our own interest to protect all species on the planet earth against the impact of climate change.

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Cities consume three-quarters of the world's energy and are responsible for 80% of its greenhouse gas emissions. First, reducing energy use in buildings such as HVAC and Lighting energy while promoting clean energy can slow global warming. Second, select the building location can lower building occupant transportation energy use. Finally use local building materials can decrease transportation and manufacturing energy uses.

ALTA Integra is a multi-discipline building physics engineer designer such as acoustics sound, lights, thermal, air quality, and etc. Research agreed that the built environment is affecting the sensor, emotion, behavior, and biology of humans and other living objects. Our mission is to create a greener, healthier, beauty and comfort to lives in.   

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