Work Gallery
Jakarta Cathedral Church Towers Lighting Design
Before there is no electricity and light technology, Bell is used as a communication tool from church to public. They created many bell codes to communicate different occasions, for example, three times bell sound means an invitation for Sunday Mass. Five times bell sound means there is a happy event inside the church.
Jakarta Cathedral Challenges - first as fast urban development makes a city noisier and busier, people hardly hear the sound of a church bell - second the church is surrounded by many buildings and tall trees. Answering those challenges we advise the Jakarta Cathedral Church to use light as a communication medium.
Speech Intelligibility Challenge Jakarta Cathedral Church
How we Improve Speech Intelligibility in Cathedral Jakarta - A Neo Gothic Church Architecture with Reverberant Acoustics Environment while Preserve Historical Beauty
Mandiri Plaza Grand Auditorium
ALTA Integra bersama dengan Arsitek dan Interior Desain Studio T melakukan Perencanaan Akustik Audiovisual Lighting Desain Pemugaran Auditorium di Plaza Mandiri Jakarta
Plaza Maria Gereja Katedral Jakarta
Audiovisual and Lighting Design Plaza Maria Gereja Katedral Jakarta. With the mindset of respecting the architectural and heritage value of the building, we have choses solutions and technology that improved the congregation spiritual experience.
DBS Bank New Fit Out Capital Place Jakarta
ALTA Integra team up with Mmoser Singapore and CDA International design New Fit Out Head Office of DBS Bank Capital Place Jakarta. ALTA Integra had succeeded designed, tested and commissioned Acoustic and Audiovisual in the bank with motto Bank Less, Live More.
Plaza Sumpah Pemuda Gereja Katedral Jakarta
Audiovisual and Lighting Design Plaza Sumpah Pemuda Gereja Katedral Jakarta. With the mindset of respecting the architectural and heritage value of the building, we have choses solutions and technology that improved the congregation spiritual experience.
Food Empire Lighting Design
Emporium Mall Pluit Jakarta - Food Empire Lighting Design - ALTA Integra lighting design team collaborate with Metaphor Interior Designer develop harmonious integration of light and interior creates a fun and welcoming community space.
MD Pictures Recording Studio
January 2018 ALTA Integra has finished tested and commissioned Integrated Multi Discipline Design MD Pictures Recording Studio, Interior Acoustic Lighting Digital Audio Workstation. “The goal of the Acoustic Design was to create the natural listening and recording acoustic environment within an limited of existing building space and structure.”
Kapel Kolese Kanisius
Kolese Kanisius Chapel Architecture Acoustics Lighting Audio Renovation. Collaborate with Atelier Cosmas Gozali, ALTA Integra made renovation calculations and planning to improve the Acoustic Lighting and Audio Performance of Chapel of Kolese Kanisius
Desain Akustik dan Audiovisual Mandiri Executive Club
Bersama dengan Arsitek dan Interior Desain Studio T - ALTA Integra melakukan Perencanaan Akustik Audiovisual Desain Pemugaran Mandiri Club di Taman Mataram Jakarta
Ruang Audiovisual Kolese Kanisius Jakarta
Desain Integrasi Multi-Disiplin Ruang Audio Visual Multi Fungsi Kolese Kanisius yang dapat dipergunakan untuk Edukasi, Edukasi Online, Preview Tugas Audiovisual, Nonton Bareng dan Resital Musik Akustik
Diamond Golf Home Theater Design
Luxurious natural teak wood Home Theater with red and gold nuance. Wave ceiling pattern creates soft diffuse light and sound from above. Acoustic Panel inside the golden stretch fabric to control the sound and reflecting golden light reflection into this room. Smart and seamless integration of Audio Visual Technology
Sport Hall Kolese Kanisius
ALTA Integra has succeeded Upgrade Building Physics Performance of Sport Hall Kolese Kanisius Jakarta. Performance of Acoustic, Lighting, Daylighting, Natural Ventilation and Thermal Insulation was renovated for Better Education.
Exodus Club Kuningan City
Working together with Julio Julianto Architect, ALTA Integra designed Acoustic for Exodus Club. An Integrated Cafe, Dining, and Club located at Kuningan City